What’s new in Windows 10’s Command Prompt and PowerShell?

Both the Command Prompt and PowerShell are very useful and powerful command line tools. Fortunately, while developing Windows 10, Microsoft worked on bringing new features and improvements that enhance the way these two command line apps look and work. Here’s what’s new:

How to enable and use all the new features from the Command Prompt And PowerShell

We’ve already published a few articles about the new features and improvements found in Windows 10’s Command Prompt. If you want to know more about them, how to enable them, and also how to take advantage of them, these guides can help:

If you want to see everything there is to know about the way Command Prompt looks and works, and also how to enable all the new features we’ve shared, you should read this gu ide: How To Make The Command Prompt Look & Work Better. For lots of details about the new keyboard shortcuts supported by Command Prompt , check this article: 27 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts For The Windows 10 Command Prompt. We’d also like to mention the fact that all the keyboard shortcuts you’ll find in the above guide, also work in Windows 10’s PowerShell.

And, if you’d like to learn even more about the Command Prompt , PowerShell and some of the most useful commands and tasks these two apps can help you run and do, we have quite a few guides and tutorials that are worth checking out:

7 Ways To Launch The Command Prompt In Windows Command Prompt - How to Use Basic Commands Command Prompt - Commands for System Information & Managing Tasks Command Prompt - Advanced Disk Management Commands Command Prompt - Advanced Networking Commands Simple Questions: What is PowerShell & What Can You Do With It? How To Remove Default Windows 10 Apps With PowerShell In 3 Steps


Before you close this guide, test some of the new features that are offered by Command Prompt and PowerShell , and let us know what you think. Are they any good? Are there any features that you want to be added in the future? Don’t hesitate to comment below.